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  • quiksilvr - Wednesday, August 7, 2019 - link

    Thanks I hate it.
  • Cellar Door - Wednesday, August 7, 2019 - link

    It is about time Anandtech starts to moderate the replies section for spam comments like this.
  • NICOXIS - Wednesday, August 7, 2019 - link

    It's about time Anandtech gets a comment section that's not from the '90s...
  • PeachNCream - Thursday, August 8, 2019 - link

    Hah! Zing!
  • prophet001 - Monday, August 12, 2019 - link

    You're not rong.
  • prophet001 - Monday, August 12, 2019 - link

    Wait seplling!!!
  • prophet001 - Monday, August 12, 2019 - link

    Dangit knowww!! Knoowww!!!
  • quiksilvr - Thursday, August 8, 2019 - link

    So because you disagree the comment should be deleted? 2019 in a nutshell I guess.
  • Tams80 - Thursday, August 8, 2019 - link

    aNanD plz deletes. i d0n't lik3 zis coment.
  • bji - Friday, August 9, 2019 - link

    Your first comment was pointless faff but you made up for it with your second one.
  • quiksilvr - Friday, August 9, 2019 - link

    It pretty much sums how most Android users feel about this. I'm sure they worked hard on this phone but ultimately it is, as you say, faff. Features that they joke about are gone for no reason. If my S10e can have a headphone jack and expandable storage with a 1080p display and a Snapdragon 855 for less than $800 so can the Note 10. It's illogical and dumb and the only reason why they are doing it is because Huawei and Apple are doing it and want to increase profits while forgetting their loyal fanbase.

    TL;DR: Thanks I hate it.
  • Flunk - Saturday, August 10, 2019 - link

    Do ya'll know what a spam comment is? What is this advertising? Is is all over the place?

    Just because it's not adding to the conversation doesn't make it spam.
  • PeachNCream - Thursday, August 8, 2019 - link

    It's not bad hardware, but there are some serious disadvantages. At this point, a little bezel would be nice to have something to hold onto without poking at the screen and to give cases a bit more lip to grip. Think of the bezels as a couple of pigtails or maybe a grungy biker's handlebar mustache.

    Sealed battery is stupid, huge screen makes it too big for practical daily use, absence of removable storage (only in one model) is shortsighted, lack of thickness for structural durability, the insane price - there are the usual design mistakes we see on a daily basis these days, but it's not a complete loss if to bootloader is unlocked and something else can get flashed so its not a disaster of bundled, disgusting Gapps.
  • SSTANIC - Thursday, August 8, 2019 - link

    First, I always like reading your comments here - call me a fan. Serious disadvantages, are they really? Screen is not big enough, I stream tennis and youtube non-stop and I just want more screen. Even for browsing and reading. We don't all have same-sized hands and pockets. Sealed battery proved to be easy and cheap to replace after 3 years, in my current phone. Removable storage is ridiculously slow, talking from extensive experience, I don't use it any more, even though I have it. 256GB base storage is A++, as is the stylus, for me at least. Structural durability? Wouldn't know, I've never broken a phone or anything more valuable like that really. And for the price, I don't like it, but it seems that costs went up, although Samsung marketing is überbloated and costly and VERY irritating, especially since it often seems that they "direct" technical developments and gimmicks. Where I live Note 10+ is 900€ for preorder, which I find comparatively reasonable. Also, Samsung browser, File Explorer, Voice Recorder, and several others are totaly great apps, I see zero issues there? It seems Note 10+ will come bundled with a nice Video Editor app as well, great. MS Office apps are very good as well. Other bundled bloatware on Galaxy phones isn't much of an issue for me in recent years, they don't push it against my will, and it stays either hidden or never-even-installed which is fine by me. Everyone uses their phone differently, so our perspectives are just different.
  • Oliseo - Thursday, August 8, 2019 - link

    The size of your hands or pockets have zero bearing on how a case fits and if it has enough space to do its job with regards to a bezel less screen.

    This applies to a tiny phone as it does to a big phone.

    You don't like the price increase and then go on to give excuses and imply that no-one should care about this. Which one is it? Your lack of consistency on this is an issue.

    Sealed batteries are planned obsolescence, nothing more than that. However your experience of getting your battery changed is never going to be easier than just popping the back off and replacing it yourself in around 60 seconds flat.

    Samsung browser is a great app? At this point i know you're one of Samsungs paid shillls.

    Lets not kid ourselves they ever stopped doing that when it came to light all those years ago.

    Everything you wrote is straight out of some corporate marketing guide. Absolute 100% shill.
  • Andrei Frumusanu - Friday, August 9, 2019 - link

    Samsung Browser is currently the best Android browser out there.
  • melgross - Friday, August 9, 2019 - link

    Is that saying much?
  • Tams80 - Saturday, August 10, 2019 - link

    I much prefer Opera for the simple fact that I can have my tabs at the bottom of the screen. Samsung Browser is pretty much like all the other browsers, just with some good addons.
  • s.yu - Monday, August 12, 2019 - link

    No it's the best in terms of performance.
  • Alex.A - Sunday, August 11, 2019 - link

    As a front end developer, this statement puzzles me.

    Why do you think that Samsung Browser the best browser?
  • PeachNCream - Tuesday, August 13, 2019 - link

    I've never used Samsung's Browser, but just about anything out there is a better option than Google's creeper spyware, phone-the-mothership Chrome trash.
  • Bp_968 - Tuesday, September 24, 2019 - link

    This phone is a crap "upgrade" but I don't think sealed batteries are the end of the world have they actually have real legitimate reasons. A sealed battery is bigger and higher capacity
    since it doesn't need a hard protective shell to protect it from fat fingered bozos. And when a phone is fully waterproof like these modern phones you can't really have a easy snap off back cover you get one or the other. I loved being able to toss in a huge battery or replacement on my note 4 but given the choice ill take waterproof.
  • Tams80 - Thursday, August 8, 2019 - link

    Then perhaps Samsung should take their 8" tablets seriously, as it seems that's what you're after.

    The removable storage is fast enough and isn't really meant for being written to in time-critical situations. It's somewhere to store your files, like music and photos, so that the main storage is free for applications that require fast storage. For some, it is also handy to be able to swap out storage.

    You've never broken a phone? Good for you. However, I have. The more durable phones I've had have survived drops with only a few nicks. All the ones with curved displays have had the screen crack.

    The Office apps are nothing to do with Samsung and the Samsung apps other than Snote are all run of the mill.
  • SSTANIC - Thursday, August 8, 2019 - link

    Oh I easily agree with all said in both comments, except the paid shill part. Replaceable battery, microSD card slot, plastic body and zero bloatware are definitely better than not. Bezel size would be a bit of personal preference for me, I want more screen personally. My post was actually a point by point comment of the above post, with a different perspectives conclusion. Also, it is a strictly my case comment, my actual experience. I was also mad when they started with sealed batteries, glass bodies, no microSD card slots, super excessive bloatware and gazillions spent on marketing of gimmicks instead of giving me what I needed more. And Samsung browser for example was under par for several years. And then with years and really heavy usage I slowly realized that some of those things aren't the end of the world, and some other things improved, software for example, although Samsung phones are still slow to react in my case. Again, my experience and reaction only. Today, Samsung browser is OK, run of the mill is an adequate expression, works fast and fine, even has an ad blocker. Today, I don't need expandable storage, only 2 years ago it was a total must, today I stream almost everything. Today, I don't care about shitty glass bodies - there was never anything wrong with plastic phones, except Samsung plastic phones were usually very ugly - and whether they feel like this or that, I have a bland black silicone case. Today, I don't lose sleep over extra apps, and Samsung stopped pushing them through my nose some 2 years ago. So it is not that bad from my perspective, as the above comment perhaps suggested. Again, your comments about expandable storage being useful in many cases, easily replaceable battery etc., I agree completely. It is just that my usage doesn't cry for those things today. But I really would have liked if Note plus were even bigger..
  • MTEK - Monday, August 12, 2019 - link

    I'm still hung up on why any techie would use a device manufacturer's browser. Sorry, that's just wrong-- you're only encouraging them!
  • melgross - Friday, August 9, 2019 - link

    You know, the beauty of the market is that you don’t have to buy this. They have smaller phones! Yes, a revelation, to be sure, but true anyway. But several million People disagree with you on this, so you must be wrong.
  • flyingpants265 - Saturday, August 10, 2019 - link

    I agree with mostly everything, but a case takes care of a good bit of bezel issues. Still, even with a case, thin bezels are trouble.
  • StevoLincolnite - Thursday, August 8, 2019 - link

    Yeah. Not a fan either.
    Splitting a premium model into a premium and slightly-less premium is just muddying the waters.

    But disliked features of the regular Note 10:
    * Removal of MicroSD.
    * Removal of Headphone Jack.
    * Battery capacity regression.
    * Hole punch cutout.
    * Low display resolution.

    Better off buying the Galaxy Note 9, which is also bloody cheaper... Looks like I am hanging onto my Note 8 for a year longer.
  • GlossGhost - Friday, August 9, 2019 - link

    Still rocking their first Exynos in S7 and it's one speedy boy. That said, I do have custom kernel and I do wish the battery lasted longer.
  • GlossGhost - Friday, August 9, 2019 - link

    I mean, the fancy M1 cores custom design. Where's my edit button when I need it.
  • TEC_SMITH - Friday, August 30, 2019 - link

  • plopke - Wednesday, August 7, 2019 - link

    I have no clue about mobile stuff but i assume something is missing in the table or that is funny named GPU Mali G76MP12 MHz? I assume Mhz are unknown?
  • rajatdixit - Wednesday, August 7, 2019 - link

    Yes the MHz (speed) for the GPU is unknown.
  • DJ Sanchez - Wednesday, August 7, 2019 - link

    1080p, no headphone jack, and no micro SD slot. If this is a sign of things to come, the options for replacing my S9 in the future look bleaker by the day. I already jumped ship from iPhones for this nonsense.
  • shabby - Wednesday, August 7, 2019 - link

    Can't believe they took out the microsd slot and gimped the display, for $950 you should get everything.
  • s.yu - Thursday, August 8, 2019 - link

    For real.
  • s.yu - Thursday, August 8, 2019 - link

    LG's a major holdout, as is Asus I suppose. The current Zenfone's display is rumored to be pretty cheap-looking, while V50's main issues are a notch and the usual low res main camera.
  • Tams80 - Thursday, August 8, 2019 - link

    I guess if you like a big phone you could get the Asus ROG Phone II (urrghhh, that name). A case would cover-up the gaming aesthetics if they aren't to your taste.
  • s.yu - Friday, August 9, 2019 - link

    Definitely among one of my few choices left, but I'm more looking forward to seeing how the V60 turns out.
  • Notmyusualid - Friday, August 9, 2019 - link

    @ Tams80 - that is what I did.

    Headphone jack, 6000mAh battery (it lasted 3 days without charge), speakers on the front, no curved screen (the only screen-type I have yet broken), and ships with a clear case, that due to the reflective nature of it, kind of hides the supposed gaming purpose of it (I have zero games on this).

    The lack of an SD-card slot nearly killed the whole idea, but I looked at my S8+, and seen even with an absurd amount of email, some movies & music, I had used 50/64GB only. Thus the 128GB should suffice I expect.

    And I am a happy camper (so far). And its SO loud. You won't miss anything like you would from a small cr@ppy single bottom-firing hole in your phone.

    Oddly, though both sim slots are 4G, I've not yet seen it connect to two 4G towers simultaneously - it is usually 4G and 2G, or sometimes 4G / 3G. I guess if the non-data sim needs only voice, 2G should suffice, but in the city last weekend, I expected I would see 4G/4G. Strange.

    Oh, and I had to d1ck around to get all the Google Play schite on it, so stuff would 'work'.

    And finally - it was 'cheap'. 128GB/8G RAM was 3599 CNY.
  • Tams80 - Saturday, August 10, 2019 - link

    Samsung's speakers have also been something I hate (okay, dislike). I rarely use them, but when I do, it's just painful. I've almost crashed my car trying to hear what someone was saying on speakerphone because Samsung's speakers are so terrible (and yes, I have stopped answering any calls while driving since that incident).

    The lack of a microSD card slot is a real bummer. It's not as bad as the loss of the headphone jack, but the battery size...
  • s.yu - Monday, August 12, 2019 - link

    If you read the S10+ review Andrei gave the latest speakers very high remarks, but that doesn't make up for the lost functionality in the Note10 duo.
  • s.yu - Monday, August 12, 2019 - link

    Another issue for me there, I already used over half the storage of my 256GB phone. I DO put games in it, large single player games like Banner Saga especially, I rarely game these days but I keep them. Also I shoot RAW quite often and they really add up, and the 512GB version is IMO seriously overpriced, while Samsung's phones quickly fall in price in the first 3 months I don't know about Asus.
  • dontlistentome - Thursday, August 8, 2019 - link

    Jummped ship to an iphone with (effectively) 1080p, no headphone jack and no micro SD card slot. You're trolling us, right?
  • DJ Sanchez - Friday, August 9, 2019 - link

    From - not to. I use a Samsung Galaxy S9 now after getting rid of my iPhone 6S (last iPhone with a headphone jack).
  • Lolimaster - Friday, August 9, 2019 - link

    Probably upgrade to Rog Phone 4. cpu and gpu upgrades are just incremental, there is nothing that you can't run on the s9 or s8.
  • NICOXIS - Wednesday, August 7, 2019 - link

    Excited for the 855 vs 9825 Note 10 comparison review
  • Andrei Frumusanu - Wednesday, August 7, 2019 - link

    Unlikely to happen, but we might have a look at the 9825 version.
  • aryonoco - Wednesday, August 7, 2019 - link

    Andrei, you'd be the only one on the whole internet who could give us a detailed and proper review of the 9825, and it being the first piece of consumer silicon with (some) layers of EUV, I think it's notable.
  • Kishoreshack - Thursday, August 8, 2019 - link

  • Kishoreshack - Thursday, August 8, 2019 - link

    You should make it happen
    That is what defines anandtech
    A review soo complete which covers every aspect of the phone
    9825 comparison looks a must
  • mooninite - Wednesday, August 7, 2019 - link

    Amazing! First Samsung device to NOT look like an iPhone? Congrats, Samsung!
  • ksec - Wednesday, August 7, 2019 - link

    Um... Samsung Devices has look anything like iPhone for the past 4 - 5 years....
  • s.yu - Thursday, August 8, 2019 - link

    Have you been blind since 2015? Or was it 2014
  • mkozakewich - Thursday, August 8, 2019 - link

    It was the S3, which was 2012.
  • Kishoreshack - Thursday, August 8, 2019 - link

    Poor blind blok
  • HStewart - Wednesday, August 7, 2019 - link

    I have a Note 8 and love it except the battery is going out and two year old

    I saw the demonstration on Note 10 and lots of sound amazing, but seems like Samsung is wanting you to go to bigger Note 10+ which I not sure will fit in one's pocket.

    I am not too worried about drop of 3.5mm, I never used it. But the enhance camera and pen features make it really nice.

    One side note, I note new product Galaxy Book S which is really not new - they had it out there with Snapdragron CPU - just nobody cares abo about it. Samsung likes to rage on about the phone being power of PC - but if the notebook is slowed down with phone CPU ( same cpu )then sure. I actually though about Galaxy S6 over Galaxy Book S, It would be different story if the Galaxy Book S had an Ice Lake CPU.
  • 0iron - Thursday, August 8, 2019 - link

    You can change your Note 8 battery & you're good to go another 2 years for Note 12.
  • s.yu - Thursday, August 8, 2019 - link

    Good suggestion.
  • patel21 - Monday, August 19, 2019 - link

    I can't find how much Samsung charges for battery replacement of its S & Note series phone in Canada ?
  • ksec - Wednesday, August 7, 2019 - link

    $1099 for 256GB, that is pricing compete directly against XS Max / 11 Max, although I expect Apple to start with 128GB this year. And as with all Samsung phone they rarely sell for the suggested pricing, the Retails price tends to be a lot lower.

    But the 5G pricing, god I hope that is not a sign of things to come, $1299 for 5G...
  • s.yu - Thursday, August 8, 2019 - link

    The retail price is *much* lower, as in 20-30% dropped in 3 months. I never worry about the price of Samsung devices, but removal of the headphone jack ends the discussion for me.
  • name99 - Wednesday, August 7, 2019 - link

    So no eSIM? Is Apple still the only top tier vendor with eSIM?

    I know that people will say dual SIM slots are just as good (even better for some purposes). But I have to say that I am loving the Apple eSIM in a way that I just didn’t expect. It is just so convenient to start an app, choose the data plan for where you are traveling, and be done. No actually having to buy them install/swap the physical SIM. Maybe I’m paying 10% more than if I wandered the streets looking for the best possible deal, but that’s the Apple bargain — pay a little more, for a lot more convenience.
  • Dr. Swag - Wednesday, August 7, 2019 - link

    Pretty sure pixels also have it
  • name99 - Thursday, August 8, 2019 - link

    You're right, the newest Pixel 3's Well kinda sorta...
    Google being willing to kowtow to the telcos, in a way that Apple is not, seems to have allowed the eSIM to be disabled! So unless you're very careful about the model you buy, you don't get a working eSIM. At least this is my take on a very quick internet scan of horror stories from around the world.

    So I guess that's the ultimate answer. Apple ships eSIM because they're willing to tell the carriers, "fsck you, this is this year's iPhone; if you don't want to support it go right ahead". Whereas no-one in Android land (even Google) has either the power to do that, or the willingness to do it...

    Yet another nice thing most people can't have, because telcos...
  • voicequal - Thursday, August 8, 2019 - link

    For whatever reason, Pixel 3 eSIM only works with Sprint,, or Google Fi service.
  • Sancus - Wednesday, August 7, 2019 - link

    I really don't understand why people care about 1080p vs 1440p on a phone. I have an S8 and a P30 Pro, and if you asked me when I can tell the difference in pixel count, I would say: never.

    I understand that you can see the difference in some conditions if you put your eyes 6-7 inches away from the phone, but that is not a normal use case. And the battery life benefits of 1080p are considerable.
  • Andrei Frumusanu - Wednesday, August 7, 2019 - link

    I use my phone tons in the evenings in bed and 1080p vs 1440p is just plain to see for me.
  • shabby - Wednesday, August 7, 2019 - link

    If the phone was cheaper maybe people wouldn't care, but for $950 you better have every top tier spec, no excuses.
  • Dr. Swag - Wednesday, August 7, 2019 - link

    Normally yes it doesn't matter, but when you hold the phone closer like when laying in bed you can notice it. When the phone is almost $1k it's a little bit ridiculous
  • hanselltc - Thursday, August 8, 2019 - link

    P30 Pro had a clear intention of using a 1080P display for the sake of battery life. This is, well, not that.
  • cha0z_ - Thursday, August 8, 2019 - link

    Considerable? Sources? As all the sources I have and they are quite a lot (+a lot power users from XDA) that proves you wrong and that the power savings are minimalistic. They put 1440p in all their premium phone for years, literally years and on a lot smaller phones - now magically they decide to drop 1440p to 1080p on a phone costing 950 euro (note 9 was on that price - 999 euro)? They they removed the iris scanner, the heart rate sensor, the battery is really small, no 3.5mm headphone jack and so on and on. How is this not a big deal? They are literally pulling apple here with one rip off phone that makes the higher priced one that costs whooping 1100 euro (that is the real note and should had been 1000 euro).
  • janusz - Thursday, August 8, 2019 - link

    The answer is: Gear VR headset. 1440p makes a big difference.
  • Tams80 - Thursday, August 8, 2019 - link

    At that price though...
    If it were cheaper, or had more going for it, say 90Hz or 120Hz, then it would be okay.
  • lakedude - Monday, August 12, 2019 - link

    My phone has a 1440p native resolution display but the default resolution is set to 1080p. This is an ideal compromise IMHO, the best of both worlds. If you need/want the extra pixels they are there for you. If you don't care or if battery life is more of a priority you can run at the default setting of 1080p and give the video card fewer pixels to push.

    If we were talking about a $400 phone 1080p would be fine but at the high end people expect more.

    I don't really notice the difference just looking at the phone but it makes a huge difference in VR. Even 1440 is no where near enough in VR after being split between 2 eyes and then magnified by lenses. The screen door effect is terrible even at 1440p.
  • Galcobar - Wednesday, August 7, 2019 - link

    Thinking that there is a typo in the second paragraph under the Great New Screen... header: "past form-factor was a tad too big for my teste" -- unless you're referring to conflict with your anatomy when the Note is in a front pocket.
  • ** A - R ** - Wednesday, August 7, 2019 - link

    Which version of UFS do both Models use ?
  • abhaxus - Wednesday, August 7, 2019 - link

    I normally don't do this, but I lol'ed:

    "(The past form-factor was a tad too big for my teste)"
  • wrkingclass_hero - Wednesday, August 7, 2019 - link

    Lol, "The past form-factor was a tad too big for my teste"
  • CrazyElf - Wednesday, August 7, 2019 - link

    I'm disappointed by this generation of Note 10+.

    The 1080p is a let down on the non-plus version. Particularly for those who use Asian fonts and small text, it's quite noticeable next to the 1440p screens. Personally I feel that 4k on the phone would not be a gimmick and add value, even if it does hurt battery life.

    It doesn't look like the EUV SOC offers much better performance and the IPC improvement is going to be small to non-existent.

    The lack of a 3.5mm jack is very disappointing and I don't like this trend at all in the industry. So too is the microSD. I have my FLAC files on a 128GB microSD card. With NAND prices down, they are quite cheap. I purchased my 128GB microSD for $18 CAD (about $13-14 USD at current exchange rates) plus sales taxes. The lack of expandable storage and the 3.5mm jack deletion seem like a naked cash grab, to sell the high margin higher capacity phones and likely Bluetooth audio accessories, or at least force people to use USB-out DACs.

    Finally, the pricing is too high. What I'm not seeing is what this phone has going for it. Yes, the camera will probably be better, but that's about it. It's not enough to justify the pricing.
  • s.yu - Thursday, August 8, 2019 - link

    I'll even use a goddamn USB DAC as long as they have 2 C ports, one always needs to be reserved for charging.
  • Tams80 - Thursday, August 8, 2019 - link

    Frankly, I'm hoping companies like Samsung and Apple get a regulatory slapdown for these anti-consumer practices. They're also not environmentally sustainable. I think they could quite easily only release a new model every few years and sell accessories like batteries, cases, modules, OS updates, etc. for hefty mark-ups to make up for it.

    Hopefully the likes of the EU see this issue and give them each a nice multi-billion euro fine and order them to be more consumer friendly and sustainable.
  • hanselltc - Thursday, August 8, 2019 - link

    Samsung Announces Galaxy Note10- & Note10: A Hole With Feature Loss
  • s.yu - Thursday, August 8, 2019 - link

    Quite accurate!
  • isthisavailable - Thursday, August 8, 2019 - link

    Apple is looking better and better nowadays.
  • beginner99 - Thursday, August 8, 2019 - link

    $1000+ and no notification LED. You are kidding me right?

    I consider that one of the important features because it uses very little battery (compared to always-on) and tells you with a simple glance if you need to look at your phone at all.
  • cha0z_ - Thursday, August 8, 2019 - link

    It uses so low that it basically does not. I am also wtf on how android phone makers drop the notification led. AOD uses a lot of power and without it - you will literally have to turn on your screen all the time if you expect a message or if you just wan't to check for any/not miss someone's. Absurd.
  • shabby - Thursday, August 8, 2019 - link

    There are apps that turn the aod on only when you get a notification, can't say I notice any power drain.
  • Tams80 - Thursday, August 8, 2019 - link

    That's nice. I want the option to have a simple LED (or two!) to tell me what's happened.
    I don't want to read text, even if it only takes a second more. I just want to know if I got a new WhatsApp/LINE/Discord message or a new email.
  • Xex360 - Thursday, August 8, 2019 - link

    Basically a move backwards in nearly all fronts (except for performance), lower resolution screen, no headphone jack, a hole to ruin the screen, no iris scanner, and no SD card. Samsung ruined their lineup this year, from the Note 9 that was one of the best phones out there if not the best to this pathetic phones.
  • Anirudh2FL - Thursday, August 8, 2019 - link

    I whole heartedly agree that a $900 phone has no business having a 1080 Amoled display

    I just wish people showed as much displeasure on the iPhone XR launch

    The XR has a 326 ppi LCD on a $750 phone in 2019

    $600 Androids were shipping with 2K Amoled screens Since 2015

    Anandtech did say the XR resolution was unsatisfactory, but it was nowhere near as strong as it should have been and was milder than for the Note 10

    Apple deserves far more hate for that move than it got

    It's was Apple after all who taught the market that you can charge the moon and still get away with sub par Screen Quality

    Now others are just following because why not ?
    Why should they not save money by cutting features

    We consumers deserve it for supporting the XR instead of bashing it's crappy screen

    I know iPhones have good screens
    My SE screen is good despite being shit on paper

    But for $750, the XR screen should both be good on paper and reality
  • Tams80 - Thursday, August 8, 2019 - link


    Might get a Note 9 now though, or if I want something new a ASUS ROG Phone II and just live without the stylus.
  • dropme - Friday, August 9, 2019 - link

    Huawei's basically gone in the highend android market so no need to work hard on new features.

    Samsung's being smart. No competition, no innovation.
  • s.yu - Friday, August 9, 2019 - link

    Basically gone? The ban's no longer in effect AFAIK and even with the ban considering their position in the Chinese market and the government support they receive it's not gonna be long before they're back, unfortunately. I believe Huawei is the purest of evils among all the major IT corporations.
  • ViCosPhi - Saturday, August 10, 2019 - link

    Wow, so just to summarize:

    Samsung removed these features that were available on Note9 from Note10:
    - MicroSD slot
    - Headphone jack
    - Higher res display
    - 2nd selfie cam
    - Heart rate sensor
    - Bixby button(thank you)

    This is in addition to removal of:
    - IR blaster in S7 and later models
    - Iris unlock in S10 and later models
    - Notification LED in S10 and later models
    - Removable battery in S6 and later models
    - Locked bootloader in North American S7 and later models

    This looks like a downhill slope, copying other companies' business model and increasing prices at the same time. I do not see how anyone would be excited with these new iterations.

    The only advantage you get from newer models is faster CPU/GPU and in some cases faster radio that's about it.

    Samsung should remember what happened to NOKIA's phone business.
  • Lolimaster - Sunday, August 11, 2019 - link

    Now you get bixby on the power on button XD, nos to turn off the device ypu need to yse 100% the on screen menu, press "power" button when the display is on? Eat bixby!!!
  • MandiEd - Monday, August 12, 2019 - link

    Iris unlock, heart rate sensor and Bixby button deserve to be removed. And no top tier android OEM makes a flagship phone with removable battery, so why this is relevant? I have my criticism against this Note, but some of things you listed seem quite unfair.
  • Tams80 - Tuesday, August 13, 2019 - link

    They all had their users, none of them took up any significant resources, they worked reasonably well enough and you could turn all three of them off.

    Why do you want stuff to become worse for other people? Just because you don't use or like something, doesn't mean others don't. Try not being so selfish.
  • Lolimaster - Sunday, August 11, 2019 - link

    In 2019 anandtech comment section is no different from an irc chat room.
  • Haawser - Monday, August 12, 2019 - link

    Until there are some real world tests done I'll take the 'all day battery life' claim as PR blurb. Seen far too many friends with 'flagship' phones reaching for a charger by mid afternoon to take what manufacturers claim as gospel.
  • cybort - Monday, August 12, 2019 - link

    1080p is enough...or no space to archive my screenshots again...
  • MandiEd - Monday, August 12, 2019 - link

    I actually prefer 1080p if it helps battery life. However, I just don't understand their decision to remove a SD card support. It is stupid and unnecessary.
  • Koenig168 - Monday, August 12, 2019 - link

    For a flagship phone, the Note 10 is sadly lacking in features. For example, no microSD is a deal-breaker for me. My audio books alone are 80GB and my movie collection way way more. Seems as if the raison d'etre for the Note 10 is to make the Note 10+ look good by comparison.

    While I can appreciate the trend is to do away with 3.5mm earphones, I like my existing earphones and the wide variety available on the market. No 3.5mm support is another deal-breaker for me.

    Cutting so many features but selling at a flagship price-point is just milking Samsung loyalists.

    Currently using the S8+ and I'm perfectly happy with it. So much so that I bought the Note 8 a year ago to keep as a spare (got it at a great price and I wanted the free Dex to play with :) ).
  • Bp_968 - Tuesday, September 24, 2019 - link

    Wow thats balzy. A 1000$+ phone with no mSD slot, a 1080p screen, and no headphone jack! Where do I sign up for the "upgrade" over my S9+??!! /s
  • Snowleopard3000 - Sunday, December 1, 2019 - link


    I have had a Note 3,4, 7 and 8. I am thinking about upgrading to the 10+ 5G and quite honestly.... Prices are too high. And.... features that are missing:

    ==SDEexpress..... I want NVMe speeds from my SD Cards.... and at least 1TB on the memory card.
    ==In the exact same phone, it needs to have dual SIM and Dual SDXpress card slots, not some hybrid wack job slot.
    == Headphone Jack.
    ==Full 4k display
    == 8000Mah Battery capacity.
  • kxcpapadnyxq - Monday, August 24, 2020 - link

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