Via its Facebook page today, HTC announced some more details about how it will unlock the bootloaders of devices that are currently selling with them locked. The tool will be web-based, require a valid email address, a device-specific token, require consent to void parts of the warranty, but then give a code which will unlock the phone's bootloader permanently. HTC stated back in July that a bootloader unlocking process was coming soon, and has now given some specifics on the timeline and which devices will see it first.

The first unlocks will start with the global HTC Sensation, followed by the HTC Sensation on T-Mobile which we reviewed recently, and finally the HTC EVO 3D on Sprint. A software update will take place before the web unlock tool goes live to prepare the devices for the unlocking process. 

Phones will continue selling with their bootloaders locked for the indefinite future because of security and warranty concerns. 

Because unlocking the bootloader provides extensive control over the device and modifications may cause operation, security and experience issues, new devices will continue to ship locked but will support user-initiated unlocking using a new Web-based tool.
Source: HTC Facebook 
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  • LordConrad - Wednesday, August 3, 2011 - link

    ...I already rooted my Thunderbolt. I'm now running Android 2.3.4 with Sense 3.0 and loving it.
  • greylica - Thursday, August 4, 2011 - link

    As you can see, HTC is honest, the phone is yours , use as you wish... Free software is by far, much more important nowadays than the old locked model for the consumers.
  • cjb110 - Thursday, August 4, 2011 - link

    I think HTC have the best method, for most users unlocking isn't required. But for those that want it and hopefully have a better understanding of the consquences can achive it 'legally'.

    It's a pity its called 'unlocking' though, I can see more than a few users thinking this'll make the device 'sim free' and remove the carrier restriction as well.
  • sprockkets - Friday, August 5, 2011 - link

    AFAIK If you put your own rom in nothing in the device can restrict you to a carrier. The boot loader or recovery program prevents this from happening.

    Course I have a Google ION and love it, unlocked since day 1.
  • naveendr - Monday, August 8, 2011 - link


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