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  • anandreader106 - Wednesday, June 18, 2014 - link

    T-Mobile is simply the best carrier out there right now if you don't live on a farm or in the mountains.
  • sphigel - Thursday, June 19, 2014 - link

    I think you're drastically overstating their coverage area.
  • prime2515103 - Thursday, June 19, 2014 - link

    If you have good coverage in your area and you don't travel, I would agree. But overall, their coverage is probably as bad as it gets. If this deal with Sprint goes through though, that will obviously change.
  • anandreader106 - Thursday, June 19, 2014 - link

    While I agree with sphigel that my original post does overstate their coverage, I cannot agree with the travel comment. T-Mobile is THE BEST option to pair with a global phone if you do a lot of traveling. People within my family have traveled to several countries this year and have all been able to text and use their data without any additional charges!

    I'm not aware of another U.S. carrier that is so friendly to international travelers. My cousin is deployed (Army) in Kuwait right now and stays closely connected to our family because he gets service there.
  • prime2515103 - Thursday, June 19, 2014 - link

    Actually I meant within the US, and particularly where I live (Michigan). I guess it's more of a data coverage problem than call service though.
  • DanNeely - Thursday, June 19, 2014 - link

    In the short term a Sprint deal would only help significantly if your existing phone could talk on VZWs 3g network and assuming the merger doesn't give VZW the ability to kill the roaming contract. Sprint's native footprint almost entirely overlaps with TMobile's so a merger wouldn't give the new company a significantly larger coverage area.
  • CharonPDX - Thursday, June 19, 2014 - link

    Agreed. I have T-Mobile for my personal cell line, because their coverage is "good enough" in my home city.

    But my work phone is Verizon.
  • Hrel - Friday, June 20, 2014 - link

    No, not at all. Nationally their coverage is much better than Sprint's. Rivals ATT.
  • cmdrdredd - Saturday, June 21, 2014 - link

    That's what I see according to the documentation and maps I can find, even 3rd party maps of coverage. The difference is though that they may offer coverage, the quality of that coverage may lag behind Verizon and AT&T in some areas. While in other areas they are significantly faster for one reason or another. I think that in most areas in major metro areas, they would be pretty close to Verizon and/or AT&T in terms of signal strength, network speed, and quality.
  • aryonoco - Thursday, June 19, 2014 - link

    I fail to understand how Google Play Music isn't included, and based on their vote/contest thing, so do many of their customers.
  • jjj - Thursday, June 19, 2014 - link

    Funny,the biggest news of the day was missed by everybody so far.
    The Samsung Galaxy S5 LTE-A launched in Korea is using the Gobi 9x35 , so yay! 20nm in volume is here. Sure, not a GPU or a SoC but it's a chip with relevant volume.
  • skiboysteve - Thursday, June 19, 2014 - link

    If Xbox music was included I would switch to t mobile
  • Gunbuster - Thursday, June 19, 2014 - link

    Vote here:
  • JeffFlanagan - Thursday, June 19, 2014 - link

    A friend was just telling me how terrible Xbox Music is, and how it refuses to play music saying he doesn't own the music. Maybe you should just switch to Spotify instead of expecting tmobile to cater to a poor quality fringe music service.
  • skiboysteve - Thursday, June 19, 2014 - link

    Ive been using Xbox Music and before that, Zune, for many years and have had a great experience. One example of someone having a bad experience isn't any way to draw conclusions on things. I can write an example here about "my friend" who had a bad Spotify experience and how that makes Spotify "poor quality" if you like.
  • ratbert1 - Thursday, June 19, 2014 - link

    I live in an area where Verizon has XLTE. T-Mo is 3g in town, but go very far and it is 2g.
  • nathanddrews - Thursday, June 19, 2014 - link

    What about AT podcasts??!?
  • mike8675309 - Thursday, June 19, 2014 - link

    I love what T-mobile is doing in the marketplace but claiming to provide free data for "unlimited" music streaming seems like a real challenge. Is there some network level data that identifies a "music" stream?
  • DanNeely - Thursday, June 19, 2014 - link

    The stream comes from a server belonging to one of the handful of music providers that are supported. eg Your home server isn't on their white list, so you'd still pay to stream from it...
  • NARC4457 - Thursday, June 19, 2014 - link

    They are probably co-located servers in a T-Mobile data center
  • alacard - Thursday, June 19, 2014 - link

    Oh, and here i thought they had extremely limited network capabilities hence all the draconian bandwidth caps... Guess they don't have a congestion problem after all? Or maybe it's only when companies pay them to let their services not count toward the bandwidth cap of their users? Some sort of routing merlin magic must be involved maybe to make that traffic not clog up their network...

    I'm so confused.
  • ol1bit - Tuesday, June 24, 2014 - link

    Dang, 80% of my data usage was Streaming music. As far as speed, my old Unlimited Verizon was way slow compared with t-mobil. I know speed will vary at location, but since it's my work, i'm happy.
  • Mappstream - Friday, June 27, 2014 - link

    T-mobile not only offers its subscribers to listen to music streaming services without incurring data charges but also introduces another music streaming service called unRadio by partnering with Rhapsody. This is an internet radio service that allows unlimited skipping, no ads, custom radio stations, and the ability to save songs to listen to later, even without a data connection. Great post! Keep up the good work. For those interested in broadcasting your own live music performance or radio show, Mappstream is a Mobile Audio App for iPhone and iPad. It’s really good. Give a try!
  • henry256 - Friday, December 6, 2019 - link

    Years later competition killed their dreams because most people prefer spotify, apple music and google music not for getting for ringtones
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