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  • Oxford Guy - Thursday, March 17, 2022 - link

    No support for Fiji since July but plenty of effort behind the PCI-e 4x 6500 XT with its massive 4 GB of VRAM. Why support Fiji owners when those cards only have 4 GB of VRAM and are faster?
  • kyuu - Thursday, March 17, 2022 - link

    Fiji? You mean cards on an architecture that is coming up on 7-years old now? It doesn't matter if the top-end models can maybe outpace the entry-level model of the current gen, they are still old. Support is based on the age of the underlying microarchitecture, not the performance.
  • StevoLincolnite - Thursday, March 17, 2022 - link

    Fiji is based on Graphics Core Next. An "Architecture" still being pushed and supported in AMD's latest parts.
    I.E. Vega.
  • Khanan - Friday, March 18, 2022 - link

    Fiji is based on GCN 2, which is way older than Vega, which is based on GCN 5. Support of GCN 3 and older has been dropped mid 2021. This doesn’t mean games won’t run, it just means if they don’t you don’t get any extra support for it and performance or bugs could be an issue.
  • Oxford Guy - Friday, March 18, 2022 - link

    ‘it just means if they don’t you don’t get any extra support for it and performance or bugs could be an issue’

    Fascinating. It doesn’t mean games won’t run and it means games won’t run. (We’ll ignore than things like fan control are already broken in Windows 10.)

    Some game-breaking incompatibilities have been reported. Of course, none of that gets press coverage. They would rather talk about the 6500 XT with its incredible much more relevant 4 GB of VRAM and PCI-e 4x bottleneck. But it’s new so it must be superior!
  • Fulljack - Thursday, April 21, 2022 - link

    game-breaking incompatibilities like what? afaik the problems arise when trying to run games that are modern enough to use directx 12, in which GCN 2.0 sadly only support up to feature level 12_0.

    but anyway I see this more apparent on Maxwell-based or older Nvidia card. where it sometimes doesn't run modern games and needs unofficial dll fixes.
  • Oxford Guy - Friday, March 18, 2022 - link

    #1. We have been in a severe shortage.

    #2. AMD knew Windows 11 would hit the market soon but chose to make an odious move.
  • Oxford Guy - Friday, March 18, 2022 - link

    Posting via phone is a special form of torture. (Accidentally hit submit.)

    #3. AMD released a card with worse performance just now — months after dropping Fiji support. It’s such a dismal product that it doesn’t even support PCI-e 16x — making it slower than a 570 in multiple games. It also has the same amount of VRAM as Fiji, so the VRAM excuse is suddenly nowhere to be found in response to the complaint.

    #4. My cars are more than seven years old. They should be sent to the landfill. The year number is all that matters, not the functionality in the product’s environment.

    You may worship unnecessary levels of planned obsolescence but I know and respect the difference between a product that is so outdated that supporting it with basics like drivers is foolish and one that remains relevant.

    All of the pundits agreed that the move was a surprise and a disappointment because it was premature, especially considering the shortage — and because the products were priced at a premium. Nevertheless, it was barely covered in July and has been brushed under the rug completely by every pundit since. Not a peep was uttered to connect it with the highly-dubious ‘upgrade’ that is the 6500 XT, despite the glaring relevancies.

    Planned obsolescence is attractive to people with deep pockets, people who don’t mind the collapsing world ecosystem with its oceans of trash, and people whose jobs involve pushing it via their writing. For the rest of us, not sending relevant tech to landfills irrationally matters. We’re distinctly the minority which is why the ecosystem is in the state it’s in.
  • mode_13h - Monday, March 28, 2022 - link

    > #3. AMD released a card with worse performance just now

    The RX 6500 XT is an entry-level product. It's essentially irrelevant to your point. Why do you keep bringing it up? It's like you're just trying to piggyback your case on the coattails of its negative publicity.

    > #4. My cars are more than seven years old. They should be sent to the landfill

    Cars operate on a different timescale. They change less frequently, because the technology doesn't evolve as fast as silicon or GPUs. Are new cars twice as fast or fuel-efficient as entirely comparable vehicles from 5 years ago? Did you pay as much for your GPU as a new car?

    You've unintentionally made a good point about closed-source software, however. I don't know, but perhaps you'll do better with your games on Linux + Wine. It'd be worth looking into, since you're clearly invested in the matter.
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  • xepaca2094 - Monday, July 25, 2022 - link

    Edit: The performance drop is more than I would have liked, and HVEC has some stability issues, but both are reserved for increasing frame rates under heavy load on the GPU.
    Usability has been greatly improved: previously, without exception, all applications with hardware acceleration would freeze, hang and stop responding on instant playback. This bug was only present in some system configurations, and troubleshooting it was a complete problem. This has been resolved, for which I am grateful. spy apps for iphone.

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