Backify Closes Free Accounts, Starts to Charge for Storage
by Kristian Vättö on November 16, 2011 9:26 AM EST- Posted in
- Storage
- Online Storage
- Backify
Two months ago, we wrote about a new online storage provider called Backify. Backify got our attention because of their magnificent offer: 512GB of "totally free" online storage. I had to use quotes because Backify has now revealed their real business plan, and it's no longer free. From now on, the 512GB plan costs $1.50 a month. All free accounts will be closed on November 22nd, unless you are willing to pay the $1.50 monthly fee.
(Prices pulled due to fraud concerns)
While their new prices are still good, I have to say I'm anything but pleased with their service. I tried to sign up for their free plan several times with multiple email accounts, and every time I faced some kind of an error. I even waited a couple of weeks to see if it was just a temporary server issue, but no, I kept getting the same error. Contacting their support wasn't any better experience either. At first, I sent their support an email asking if we could review Backify (we would have needed some extra details). I waited for a few days but didn't get an answer. I then sent the same email to their CEO, Tarandeep Gill. No answer as of today. I also sent an email about the sign up problem but as you may guess, I haven't received a reply.
Due to their lousy support and fishy business model, I cannot recommend Backify to anyone. In the end, you would be giving them your personal files. Besides, what stops them from increasing the prices again? This is actually a pretty common business model. Mozy used to offer unlimited backups for $5 a month but nowadays, they charge $6/month for 50GB. Keep the prices low (or even free) to attract customers and when you reach a certain customer base, increase the price. Nice.
Update: The plot thickens. We just received a tip that the contract between Backify and Livedrive is no longer valid. Livedrive is the company which provided the technology and service behind Backify, so Backify was just a reseller. Since Backify is no longer able to provide any service, we strongly advise you to cancel your account and contact your credit card company if you have provided credit card information to Backify.
Big thanks to Yoni, Matthew and Jérôme for tipping us!
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randyjk - Wednesday, November 16, 2011 - link
Get used to it. Its called cloud computing and even though you are dealing with one provider, there are others, some critical layered below. Did you even know Livedrive had your data? Of course not cause you aren't doing due diligence for a free service. And now the data is gone and no one is taking responsibility for anything. Who has time to sort this out? Good luck with that.randyjk - Wednesday, November 16, 2011 - link
And the communications on this issue from both companies, how pathetically unprofessional. Must be run out of someone's garage.calansvc - Wednesday, November 16, 2011 - link
If you were talking to me, of course I knew Livedrive had my data. I was also under the impression that it was still stored locally and would be available if something happened to the cloud.In fact, even the LD rep I talked to this morning thought I could still access my local briefcase data... until I informed him that thanks to their hissy fit with Backify (in more polite words), my local files are also now inaccessible since the LD client requires the Backify account credentials to access local files. His reply was basically "Oh to be you".
Apparently, Livedrive hasn't realized (or doesn't care) that anyone running the LD software is actually THEIR customer, regardless of who it was purchased from. So I'll say it again; if you are using any provider that is reselling LD, you better hope that the reseller doesn't piss them off.
And someone please explain this to me... why would LD not want to simply take my money, give me a new account, and let me access my local data that is sitting here on my PC? It's like they are out to somehow spite Backify (?) even at the expense of making money from the people that would migrate to them to recover lost data.
It gets more mind boggling by the moment.
nullroute0 - Thursday, November 17, 2011 - link
can you really trust these faces with your data?
1st guy looks like an oompa loompa, 2nd guy looks like the dude from american idol, 3rd guy is one scarry mofo
FlyBri - Thursday, November 17, 2011 - link
The reason why the 2nd guy looks like Simon Cowell from American Idol is because it's his brother.nullroute0 - Thursday, November 17, 2011 - link
according to LD's faq, you should be able to access the briefcase if your PC is offline, did you guys tried disabling your internet connection before opening the briefcase?
calansvc - Thursday, November 17, 2011 - link
Interesting point, but it doesn't work for me. I have to be online for the LD client to authorize the account...and since the account credentials are now invalid, the client doesn't launch.On a side note, disabling the authentication service and then launching the LD client causes a BSOD.
ol1bit - Saturday, November 19, 2011 - link
More bastages!As Always thanks for the straight dope AnandTech!
Steve Brown - Thursday, November 24, 2011 - link
Saw twitter @dwdrive_dot_com and they are offering Backify customers help. Anyone emailed their Customer Service to see if we can migrate? They are also a LiveDrive reseller.Steve Brown - Thursday, November 24, 2011 - link
Saw twitter @dwdrive_dot_com and they are offering Backify customers help. Anyone emailed their Customer Service to see if we can migrate? They are also a LiveDrive reseller.