Shuttle HOT-569

by Anand Lal Shimpi on December 9, 1997 10:57 AM EST
The Test

In recent times, choosing a motherboard cannot be completely determined by a Winstone score. Now, many boards come within one Winstone point of each other and therefore the need to benchmark boards against each other falls. Therefore you shouldn't base your decision entirely on the benchmarks you see here, but also on the technical features and advantages of this particular board, seeing as that will probably make the greatest difference in your overall experience.

Test Configuration

Processor(s): AMD K6-PR2/233 ANR & Intel Pentium MMX - 233
RAM: 2 - 32MB Advanced Megatrends SDRAM DIMMs
1 x 32MB SmarTech SDRAM DIMM for 96MB tests
Hard Drive(s): Western Digital Caviar AC21600H
Video Card: Matrox Millennium (2MB WRAM)
Busmaster EIDE Drivers: Intel v3.01
Video Card Drivers: MGA Millennium
OS: Windows 95 Service Release 2



Windows 95 Performance of the Shuttle HOT-569

CPU Business Winstone 97 Business Graphics Winmark 97
AMD K6-PR2/200 53.0 102
AMD K6-PR2/208 56.4 110
AMD K6-PR2/225 56.6 110
AMD K6-PR2/233 55.7 108
Intel Pentium MMX - 200 51.5 99
Intel Pentium MMX - 233 53.7 102
Intel Pentium MMX - 290.5 57.6 115

And you thought the HOT-565 was an awesome board, check out these benchmarks!!! From now on I will try to include benchmarks of the Pentium MMX at 290.5MHz with any board that allows me to do so.

64MB vs 96MB on the Shuttle HOT-569

CPU 64MB of SDRAM (all Cached) 96MB of SDRAM (66% Cached)
AMD K6-PR2/233 55.7 52.7

As you can tell by these Winstone scores, when you exceed the 64MB cacheable memory limit of the TX chipset, the performance drop isn't that severe. The performance of my K6/233 dropped to that of an average Pentium MMX-233 when I used 96MB of SDRAM (32MB more than the 64MB limit of the TX chipset). If you really need more than 64MB don't be too afraid of the performance hit, since it is almost non-existent.


The Final Decision

The HOT-569 lives up to the expectations of every die hard computer user, and then some! If you want a TX motherboard, regardless of the style of case you have (AT or ATX) the HOT-569 is the perfect solution for you.

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