ATI Radeon LE 32MB DDR

by Matthew Witheiler on May 23, 2001 11:59 AM EST

OpenGL Performance - Serious Sam

The trend continues in Serious Sam at 640x480x32, with the Radeon LE out of the box performing slightly faster than the Radeon SDR. A bit of tweaking, 35MHz of tweaking to be exact, reveals a card that is indistinguishable from the Radeon DDR, laying to rest the myths that the Radeon LE has no HyperZ functionality (no tweaking besides the increase in clock speed was performed on the Radeon LE).

At 1024x768x32, the Radeon LE performs essentially identical to the Radeon SDR out of the box and essentially like the Radeon DDR when overclocked.


1600x1200x32 in Serious Sam paints a familiar picture. Not much explaining to be done.

Real-World Fillrate DX7 Performance - Unreal Tournament
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