NVIDIA Initiates Safety Recall of SHIELD Tablets (Update: 4 Units Have Overheated)
by Ryan Smith on July 31, 2015 8:15 AM EST
NVIDIA sends word this morning that they are initiating a recall on the SHIELD Tablet. Being announced today and taking effect immediately, the tablets are being voluntarily recalled by NVIDIA on account of safety concerns with some of the batteries the company has used. Though NVIDIA’s announcement doesn’t go into significant detail on the matter, NVIDIA’s notice does specify that some tablets have been shipping with batteries have the potential to overheat, making them a potential fire hazard.
NVIDIA’s recall covers SHIELD Tablets manufactured between July 2014 and July 2015, essentially covering the entire lifetime of the tablet so far. Furthermore the company is asking that current owners do not use the tablets any more than is necessary to back them up and participate in the recall due to the aforementioned risk of fire.
As for the recall process itself, the company notes that only some batteries are defective. As a result the recall process for the Tablet is a bit more involved than a blanket recall, as tablets containing defective tablets need to be identified. To do this, NVIDIA has pushed out a new SHIELD software update, SHIELD Tablet software 3.1 (their release of Android 5.1.1) which includes additional battery information in the Tablet’s About screen. Defective batteries are labeled Y01, while the alternative B01 batteries are unaffected.
Finally, for those owners who have defective tablets, as part of the recall NVIDIA will be shipping out replacement tablets with proper batteries, with an ETA of 2-4 weeks. NVIDIA’s recall notice doesn’t mention how defective tablets will be collected, though the page does mention that defective tablets “will be deactivated remotely and rendered unusable” once owners receive their replacements.
Update, 08/01/2015:
The Consumer Product Safety Commission report for the recall has been posted, which offers a bit more insight into the problems and the numbers involved.
NVIDIA has sold 83,000 faulty SHIELD Tablets in the US, along with another 5,000 in Canada. Of those, NVIDIA has received 4 reports of overheating, with 2 of those reports indicating that the overheating tablet had caused property damage (specifically, to flooring).
Source: NVIDIA
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alin - Friday, July 31, 2015 - link
This is a perfect marketing stunt...To show that they care about customers. Especially if they didn't sold many of them.
It is the perfect reason to get the word "out there". For everyone to hear about the tablet...
cabidroid - Friday, July 31, 2015 - link
Worked for all those car companies...Poliolegs - Saturday, August 1, 2015 - link
And the cribs with the lowering side panelscabidroid - Friday, July 31, 2015 - link
So, if they just "deactivate" the tablet... could I get my replacement, and before I use it just flash a custom ROM to the Shield Tablet to prevent deactivation and have 2 tablets?? Then maybe take the battery out and cannibalize it for a set-top box or similar?cabidroid - Friday, July 31, 2015 - link
Ok, so update. Talked to the hotline, they will send a return kit for the affected tablets. They want their old ones back..royalcrown - Friday, July 31, 2015 - link
UH YEAH, they are prob just going to put good batteries in and sell them as refurb.Sephirothkefka - Friday, July 31, 2015 - link
It seems that the batteries are made by a company by the name of YOKU Energy, who seems to be based in either Hong Kong or China. I figured it out after seeing that my tablet was part of the recall and decided to open it and wanted to see if there are any markings that lead to a manufacturer. I hope this doesn't become another Sony Battery recall of 2006-2007...watzupken - Friday, July 31, 2015 - link
Actually, I feel this is quite scary. Though not limited to just this recall, it actually took quite sometime before someone realized that the battery may overheat and potentially explode. Imagine some people may have left their device beside or on their bed while they sleep.Poliolegs - Saturday, August 1, 2015 - link
Wow! I missed the part in the article about how the b82rez esplode...ಠ_ಠ. There were four cases of the runaway overheating; two of those cases resulted in damage to "flooring", with zero injuries. I realize you are free to not treat your anxiety disorder, but I recommend taking care of it before it interferes with your enjoyment of life.Tl;Dr - don't be scurred
johnfreeman440 - Friday, August 7, 2015 - link
I'm not buying this 4 overheated BS.Mine overheated in the first month of owning it:
It was sent back to Amazon for an exchange and I'd wager they didn't report anything to anybody.