Although Google started its official rollout of Android 4.4 KitKat over the air updates to Nexus devices a few days ago, it always takes days or weeks before the updates hit most phones. For those of us who are impatient and don't care about wiping a device to get the latest version, there's another source, the factory images for Nexus devices page, home to stock images built for respective devices. Just a short while ago, Google updated the factory images page with links to KitKat images for the Nexus 4, Nexus 7 (2012 and 2013, WiFi and Cellular), and Nexus 10. 

Those three devices run build KRT16O, just slightly newer than the KRT16M running on the newly-released Nexus 5. One thing to note is that as expected, the Google Experience Launcher remains exclusive to the Nexus 5, so don't be disappointed when you load up a fresh version of KitKat on your other devices.

Nexus 4 running KitKat

If you absolutely need KitKat right away and don't mind that you'll be wiping your device back to a clean slate, this is the easy way to get it. 

Source: Google

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  • dwade123 - Thursday, November 14, 2013 - link

    Still fugly as hell.
  • stefstef - Tuesday, November 19, 2013 - link

    Just used the Android 4.4 Image to update my Nexus 7 (2012) WiFi, The procedure required to put the tablet in usb debug mode. Also i had to unlock the bootloader in order to flash the image. I want to lock it again but have not figured out how to do this. Otherwise the factory image is running fine. It is true what the articles say about 4.4 - feels just smoother and more responsive. Also browsing (scrolling) made a step forward in the Chrome Browser. I am happy with it.

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