Media Encoding Performance

Intel continues to hang on to a performance advantage in our DivX encoding test, although the E6420/5600+ battle remains a close one:

Media Encoding Performance - DivX 6.6

AMD's 5600+ pulls ahead of Intel's E6420 in our Windows Media Encoder test, which also shows no performance improvement due to the faster FSB for Intel:

Media Encoding Performance - Windows Media Encoder 9

Our Quicktime H.264 test is using a different source file than we have in previous articles, it's now using the same source file as our WME test, but the process is the same. The end result is very similar to what we saw in our DivX test:

Media Encoding Performance - Quicktime H.264

Media Encoding Performance - iTunes MP3

Media Encoding Performance - Windows Movie Maker

General Performance - PC WorldBench 6 3D Rendering Performance
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  • DeepThought86 - Monday, June 25, 2007 - link

    This will hurt Intel so don't expect to see it at this site. They wouldn't want their supply of nice new chips from Intel to dry up, would they?
  • gigahertz20 - Monday, June 25, 2007 - link


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