HQV Mixed 3:2 Film With Added Video Titles Test

These tests are meant to see how well the video processor handles mixed film and video. Basically the test show video footage with a moving text overlay traveling first horizontally and then vertically. If processed incorrectly, jagged edges can be seen on either the moving text or the background image. Both ATI and NVIDIA scored the same here, and both seemed to have a slight problem with jagged edges on the background image. But they each did a good job with the moving text.

The main issue that each solution had with the horizontal scrolling is seen on the guitar strings. The strings should look smoother than they do, and the notches indicate a problem correctly deinterlacing the video.
  • ATI: 15
  • NVIDIA: 15
  • (highest score: 20)

HQV Film Cadence Test Test Setup and Performance
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  • DeathByDuke - Friday, February 10, 2006 - link

    oh yeah, you need to fix the images on the games benchmarks, they are all URL links lol
  • Wesley Fink - Friday, February 10, 2006 - link

    The HTML code is now fixed and the game graphs are displaying.
  • bigboxes - Friday, February 10, 2006 - link

    I am going to be in market for such a card come this summer. This card looks to foot the bill and the price should come down by then. Very nice!

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