Workstation Performance

High End Workstation Performance

High End Workstation Performance

High End Workstation Performance

High End Workstation Performance

High End Workstation Performance

High End Workstation Performance

The 9NDA3+ is competitive with other 939 board in the High End Workstation benchmarks. The pattern that we see with boards at the top in some tests and at the bottom in others is very common in these results. It is mostly due to the very tight spread of results and not due to inherent superiority of one board over another. The only results generating larger differences among the boards are those across chipsets - VIA compared to nVidia in a few of the benchmarks.

DX8 and OpenGL Gaming Performance Final Words
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  • ksherman - Monday, October 25, 2004 - link

    I think you should change the title a little bit... kinda misleading to say "Epox 9NDA3+: New Choice for Socket 939" You should write Epox 9NDA3+: A New Choice for Socket 939. I find it to be a little misleading... just my input!

  • Gnoad - Monday, October 25, 2004 - link

    Tell me about it. I really don't want an MSI board but its basically the only option right now. DFI and Abit need to get their arse in gear quick. Mmmm, socket 939 LanParty board.....that would be my future board right there.
  • Zebo - Monday, October 25, 2004 - link

    #2, AGP

    Many people sunk $400-$600 in new AGP cards and want to use them. Many cards arnt PCIe. Basically NF4 probably won't support the graphics standard 98% of people have.

    Wes, Where are the real enthusiast boards? Ya know ASUS/ABIT/DFI :( Hard to believe MSI has the best NF3 board still.
  • Beenthere - Monday, October 25, 2004 - link

    nF4 is PCIe only not AGP. nF3 and nF4 are virtually identical other than AGP vs. PCIe.
  • FearoftheNight - Monday, October 25, 2004 - link

    Why not straight to nf4?????
  • Budman - Monday, October 25, 2004 - link

    page 3 ... this a DFI or Epox board??

    The basic layout of the DFI is generally excellent, with some standout elements and a few glaring layout faults.

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