System Results (15W)

When testing a laptop system, there are various angles to consider on how to test: either user experience benchmarks, that are mostly single threaded and give a good boost to how systems implement a deal of turbo, or sustained benchmarks that test how the system performs when you push it. Intel has gone out of its way to emphasise the former for the next generation of mobile CPUs: they would prefer that reviewers stick to very user experience-like tests, rather than say, rendering programs. The problem there is that outside a number of canned benchmarks, it can be difficult. Users, and especially creators, that typically spend a lot on a premium device, might actually be doing sustained benchmarks.

Given the time that we had to test, we were actually limited in what we could arrange.

Application Loading (GIMP 2.10.4)

3DPM v2.1 (non-AVX)

3DPM v2.1 (AVX2 / AVX-512)

On AVX-512, the Ice Lake part destroys the competition.

Blender 2.79b (cpu-bmw27)

POV-Ray 3.7.1

CineBench R20 ST

CineBench R20 MT

7-zip 1805 Combined

WinRAR 5.60b3

AES Throughput (minus AES instructions)

These last two tests are typically our more memory sensitive tests, and the LPDDR4X-3733 really does win out over the LPDDR3-2133 in the other systems.

Power Results (15W and 25W) Synthetic and Legacy Results (15W)
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  • eastcoast_pete - Thursday, August 1, 2019 - link

    Ian and Andrei, thanks for the article (Ian) and the tests (both) ! My take on why Intel did this "we let you play (test) with our reference system is that they needed to show that Ice Lake is for real, has working graphics, and not another gimped chip that is send off to pasture like Whiskey Lake. Overall, it seems to be an okay step forward, nothing great, but a step forward. For me, the main benefit of this new generation is AVX 512, which can speed certain programs up quite a lot.
    Lastly, Intel will sell a lot of these, mainly because AMD doesn't have a real competitive solution out there that can take them on in the low and lower power mobile space.
  • DooMMasteR - Friday, August 2, 2019 - link

    Which makes this unusual showcase even weirder...
    Intel is so far only planning a low power mobile release (either because of platform restrictions, Ryzen has shown that 7nm needs complex thermal management) or because of fab volume restrictions in 10nm.
    In either case Intels benefit from this showcase is quite small since AMD has no real contender announced anyways.
    At least when people where looking for pure SoC performance... and in any other case AMD can still compete quite well, but lacks product variety and quality, Huawei has shown that amazing Ryzen mobile devices are possible and Lenovo and others have shown how to do it wrong.
  • The_Assimilator - Thursday, August 1, 2019 - link

    While it's great that Intel is being so open about ICL, the sad thing is that it only highlights how bare their cupboard is at the moment. This is their second attempt at 10nm, yet it's so obviously inferior to the ultra-refined 14nm, which makes it clear that despite Intel's half-decade of massive expense and effort, their 10nm node isn't salvageable.

    I predict we'll see 14nm desktop ICL parts for Christmas, but I'm far more interested in what happens after 10nm. Does Intel have a plan to use all the hard-won experience on this failed node to make their next shrink actually happen on time and on schedule, or is the company in so deep that its decision-makers can't see any alternative route?
  • ksec - Thursday, August 1, 2019 - link

    Just looking at those numbers, Icelake, while on average may be 20% faster, it is in fact some of the work load manage to get 30 to 40+% IPC increase. That is quite astonishing. And depending on AVX512 usage it could get even more performance out of it.

    What we need to know is die size.

    GPU has improved but stilll isn't good enough.
  • Phynaz - Thursday, August 1, 2019 - link

    Nothing from intel will ever be good enough for you unless it’s stamped AMD
  • Korguz - Thursday, August 1, 2019 - link

    and by your own comments so far in this thread, nothing will ever be good enough for you, unless its stamped intel, whats your point ?
  • Phynaz - Friday, August 2, 2019 - link

    I was waiting for you to show up. I’ll bet I’ve bought more AMD chips than you can count.
  • Korguz - Friday, August 2, 2019 - link

    you have ?? that's great, good for you, you must be proud of your self, knowing you have more money then brains. my self.. would prefer to pay my mortgage, food, and other things that are needed
  • Phynaz - Saturday, August 3, 2019 - link

    Sorry, I forgot you’re poor.
  • Korguz - Saturday, August 3, 2019 - link

    sorry phynaz, not poor. just have better things to spend my money on, cause unlike you, i dont still live with mommy and daddy, cause the way you insult people, and call them names, you must be some 15 year old, as this is what children do. maybe you should go away, grow up, and come back when you can talk to people with out resorting to insults, and childish behavior. 90% of your posts in this thread prove this, nothing but insults, does this make you feel better, calling people names and insulting them ?

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