Where are the Benchmarks?

As stated, today AMD is only lifting the lid on what the stuff looks like, as well as speeds and details. This weekend however, AMD France accidentally released some information on the Cinebench R15 speed of the 32-core, giving it a score of 5099 :

Rendering: CineBench 15 MultiThreaded

My CPU-focused review, using our newest benchmark suite, will be posted on August 13th. I am still iterating our gaming test suite for CPUs with new games and drivers, so that review will be a little later. I am also in the middle of a 30,000 mile set of travels (FMS, Hot Chips, IFA, vacation), along with some Cannon Lake tests to run, and whatever else might launch soon, so please be a little patient. August has never been so busy, honestly.

Where to Pre-Order

If you really want to go ahead and order before looking at the reviews, then we will add some links in here as we get them. Note that retailers will only be taking pre-orders for the 2990WX today, while the 2950X launches at the end of this month, and then the final two chips in October.

AMD Threadripper 2 Pre-Orders
  Amazon Newegg
TR 2990WX $1799 $1799
TR 2970WX $1299 $1299
TR 2950X $849 $849
TR 2920X $649 $649

X399 Motherboards: The MSI X399 Creation
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  • mjz_5 - Monday, August 6, 2018 - link

    Wow, come on people. We should all be praising AMD and hating INTEL for juicing us up for all these years. We should welcome competition and purchase AMD to show Intel that what they have done in the past is not right!
  • mapesdhs - Monday, August 6, 2018 - link

    Buy AMD if it's a better solution for your problem, not because doing so somehow conveys some emotional concept of which Intel will be completely unaware. Buying things in that way is no less daft than buying Intel just because it's Intel. Steve at GN describes this whole thing best, in this case with regard to GPU flame wars, but the same thing applies to CPU arguments:


    And what does "hating Intel" even mean? Intel is a company; as such, it isn't an entity with agency and awareness with which it can respond to someone who 'hates' it. So much emotional language with all this. :D Fact is, nobody has been forced to buy an Intel CPU for their gaming PC or whatever, they made a free choice to do that.

    This is more to do with the expression of in-group preference, people feeling like they're with one gang or the other, or the need to defend their purchasing decisions.

    If you don't like some product strategy that Intel uses, then don't buy their products, or if you still need something better and AMD has nothing to offer, then look at the 2nd-hand market, eg. there's often good value in used XEONs, and even today, old X79 can often hold its own rather well (especially for gaming above 1080p).

  • Fujikoma - Monday, August 6, 2018 - link

    In the U.S., the courts have determined that a business can have beliefs with which to avoid laws and discriminate. Hobby Lobby decision. Citizens United decision. Not disagreeing with what you're saying, but the U.S. has some issues when classifying people and for-profit entities.
  • Oxford Guy - Tuesday, August 7, 2018 - link

    Certain people have been determined, as usual, to have fewer rights than others. Protected classes can't be discriminated against.
  • PeachNCream - Monday, August 6, 2018 - link

    The new Threadrippers are interesting products, but I'm not really that concerned either way about how they actually perform since they're not practical products for any of my computing needs. They're too hot to cool passively, too big for a laptop chassis, and far too expensive for web browsing or watching a few videos. It's a shame Anandtech doesn't review much mid- to low-end hardware anymore since things like a 32-core x86 CPU are interesting, such processors are going to end up in a very tiny portion of even Anandtech's readers' enthusiast class PCs.
  • Sttm - Monday, August 6, 2018 - link

    What do you feel is not getting covered? I remember them covering mainstream Ryzen 2, and APU low end Ryzen 2, and the new Core 8086 and a lot of other consumer focused cpus before that.

    So more laptop stuff?
  • PeachNCream - Monday, August 6, 2018 - link

    Right off the cuff, without thinking much about it, the 1050 and 1030 weren't reviewed. There were a couple of lower end AMD GPUs that were omitted as well. There are few to no networking benchmarks and the first complete desktop review done in a long time was for a relatively high end system. It's sort of sad to go to Anandtech to read a review about upper tier stuff I'll never purchase, but then have to go spelunking with a search engine to find multiple lesser quality reviews for things I'll actually purchase and yes that certainly includes laptops and more I'll toss in reasonably priced phones there too.
  • Cooe - Monday, August 6, 2018 - link

    Complete desktop reviews & similar are not AnandTech's target market, never have have been so I wouldn't hold out too much hope for that to change. It's always been a site about ala-carte PC building hardware 1st & foremost; dunno why you'd expect anything different all the sudden tbh.
  • PeachNCream - Tuesday, August 7, 2018 - link

    At the top of Anandtech's website, check the bar under the site logo for the word "SYSTEMS" and hover your mouse over it to view the subcategories and browse a few links within. Also check the "SMARTPHONES & TABLETS" category.
  • Sttm - Monday, August 6, 2018 - link

    This is so cool. Though I don't think I'd recommend any non business owners from buying it. As with 7nm Zen 2 based TR coming next year, I cannot imagine your $1800 expenditure won't feel incredibly foolish in 12 months. If they can fit 32 at 12nm, how many can they are 7nm, and superior cores as well!

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