Samsung this week introduced its latest laptop designed primarily for gamers. The new Samsung Notebook Odyssey Z will be based on Intel’s Core i7 processors with six cores as well as NVIDIA’s GeForce GTX 1060 GPU with Max-P tuning. Like 15.6-inch Max-Q designs, the Odyssey Z will feature a sub-18 mm z-height, but Samsung promises that it will be faster than other ultra-thin gaming PCs featuring the same GPU.

Samsung says that the Odyssey Z gaming notebook will be based on Intel’s 8th Generation Core i7 processor with six cores, but does not disclose its model number. The natural candidates are obviously the Core i7-8750H and the Core i7-8850H, but it remains to be seen whether Samsung opts for a faster one, or a more affordable one. As for graphics, Samsung intends to use NVIDIA’s GeForce GTX 1060 with 6 GB of GDDR5 memory in the so-called Max-P configuration. Samsung says that the GeForce GTX 1060 Max-P part delivers 10% more performance than the same GPU in its Max-Q config, but does not elaborate. It is logical to assume that the Max-P designs have higher frequencies compared to Max-Q designs, but still use the highest-quality VRMs with minimal losses, cherry-picked GPUs as well as advanced thermal solutions.

Update 4/17: Samsung has removed mentioning both Max-P and Max-Q from the press release on its website. Whether or not this means that the Odyssey Z just runs a full-fledged GeForce GTX 1060 for notebooks remains to be seen.

Speaking of thermals, it is necessary to note that the Samsung Notebook Odyssey Z uses the company’s  Z AeroFlow cooling system that is described as 'thin, light, yet efficient' (according to the manufacturer). Samsung says that its Z AeroFlow relies on a huge “dynamic spread” vapor chamber, a blower (or two?) as well as huge venting openings on the bottom, on the top, and on the sides of the chassis (so it draws air from the bottom and the top, then exhausts from the openings on its sides). Keeping in mind that the CPU and the GPU used by the Odyssey Z dissipate over 100 W of heat, these huge openings are going to be appreciated.

To further optimize the internal design of its premium gaming notebook, Samsung decided to go with a rather untraditional layout and move the keyboard towards the user, placing the trackpad to the right-hand side of the chassis. We have seen this layout with the ASUS Zephyrus and the Acer Predator Triton 700, but these notebooks incorporated considerably more powerful GeForce GTX 1070/1080 GPUs with Max-Q tunings.

Other components of the Samsung Odyssey Z look pretty regular for a thin gaming laptop: a 15.6-inch IPS FHD display with a 720p webcam on top, up to 16 GB of DDR4-2400 memory, up to 1 TB PCIe/NVMe SSD, stereo speakers, and a microphone array. For connectivity, the laptop is going to offer a 802.11ac Wi-Fi + Bluetooth module, a USB 3.0 Type-C port, three USB Type-A connectors, an HDMI output, and a TRRS audio jack.

The Samsung Notebook Odyssey Z
  General Specifications
Display Diagonal 15.6"
Type IPS
Resolution 1920×1080
Refresh Rate ?
CPU Core i7-8750H
6C / 12T
2.2 GHz base
4.2 GHz turbo
45 W
Core i7-8850H
6C / 12T
2.6 GHz base
4.3 GHz turbo
45 W
Graphics NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 with Max-P
6 GB of GDDR5
RAM up to 16 GB DDR4-2400
Storage up to 1 TB NVMe/PCIe M.2 SSD
Wi-Fi 802.11ac Wi-Fi
Bluetooth Bluetooth 4
Ethernet GbE
USB 2 × USB 3.0 Type-A
1 × USB 2.0 Type-A
1 × USB 3.? Type-C
Display Outputs 1 × HDMI 2.0b
Keyboard backlit keyboard
Other I/O Microphone, stereo speakers, audio jack, webcam
Battery ~54 Wh battery
Dimensions Width 375.6 mm | 14.78 inches
Depth 255 mm | 10 inches
Thickness 17.9 mm | 0.7 inches
Weight 2.4 kilograms | 5.29 lbs
Price unknown

When Samsung announced its original Odyssey laptops in early 2017, it claimed to not only offer high performance for gamers, but also enable them to upgrade such PCs. It is unclear whether the new system supports upgrades to the memory or SSD, but that would be consistent with the brand promise. Plus, it seems that the lid above the keyboard can be opened (and the only reason to open it apart from cleaning are upgrades).

When it comes to portability, the Samsung Notebook Odyssey Z is a mixed bag. The PC is 17.9 mm thick, which is thinner than many contemporary laptops (and is in line with Max-Q designs, which tend to offer better GPUs). However, it is 375.6 mm wide and weighs 2.4 kilograms, which is wider and heavier than, say, the GIGABYTE Aero 15. The large display bezels will contribute to this. Samsung plans to equip the PC with a 54 Wh battery, but it does not give any estimates about battery life of the system.

Samsung plans to start selling its Odyssey Z gaming laptop in China and South Korea already this month. In the US, the system will land sometimes in the third quarter. Since Samsung quit the European PC market four years ago, we do not expect it to sell the Odyssey Z in EMEA officially.

Related Reading

Source: Samsung

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  • PeachNCream - Thursday, April 5, 2018 - link

    This was a beautifully executed zinger. Nicely done!
  • Dribble - Thursday, April 5, 2018 - link

    If you are gaming then putting the touch pad under the keyboard means your palm brushes the touch pad and moves the mouse. Putting it to the side makes a lot of sense for this sort of machine. That done do you want a load of solid space above of beneath the keyboard - well putting it on the end makes more sense as then you can have your choice of wrist support. It might not look pretty but ergonomically it makes sense.
  • Gazzy - Thursday, April 5, 2018 - link

    The worst design of the year goes to Sammy.....
  • Manch - Thursday, April 5, 2018 - link

    Jesus Mary Mother of God that's fucking UGLY!!
  • no1seem2 - Thursday, April 5, 2018 - link

    Nice design. Can I flip it over and grill a bbq?
  • PeachNCream - Thursday, April 5, 2018 - link

    I can't see myself using a laptop that positions the keyboard that far forward. There's no palm rest area at all and the touchpad is in a really odd position. Maybe you could argue that the touchpad wouldn't get accidental contact from stray fingers, but my primary computer has been a laptop of some sort since the late 1990s and I've never experienced a problem with touchpad placement below the keyboard. The software rejects input (has for decades) and if I play a game, I almost always have an external mouse on hand so I don't see the advantage here.

    The design's emphasis on being thin and using some sort of tuned Max-Q GPU variety implies portability, but you'd almost have to take along some kind of external wrist rest or palm rest to make use of the integrated keyboard so that costs you in portability because you're carrying something else along with you to compensate for keyboard placement. I tend to use my laptop on a lapdesk while I'm on a couch or comfy chair so the other problem I'd run into is the need to push the laptop further back on my legs to get my arms into a comfortable position. That'd mess with the balance of the lapdesk on my legs and put the screen at a greater distance from my eyes. Both of those would make this thing uncomfortable to use. I, I can't see how there's any benefits that justify the design decisions here.
  • HallowRace - Thursday, April 5, 2018 - link

    lmao look at these retards willing to pay thousands of dollars for shitty specs and good design, just because this laptop doesnt have design to it doesnt mean it isnt powerful, design has nothing to do with the power, i can put business computer parts in a desktop rig it up with rgb lights and get a nice case and most likely all u dumbasses will buy it for a couple thousand dollars if i post the specs and call it a gaming pc cause none of u retards even read the specs
  • Hurr Durr - Friday, April 6, 2018 - link

    How many homo parade keyboards have you bought lately? All in all, they do consume more POWER.
  • weilin - Thursday, April 5, 2018 - link

    This is Samsung though... So this thing is gonna start a 1.5k... For that kind of pricing I'm expecting the goods (4Q CPU + 1060 GPU + 16GB RAM + 256GB SSD) + elegant design.

    If i just cared about the internal hardware, I'd look at Dell's Inspiron 15" 7000 Gaming Series. The CPU is a generation behind, but it's the same GPU, RAM, SSD for $1k USD. (and it looks half decent to boot)
  • hammerang - Sunday, April 8, 2018 - link

    For me when you write the magic word: Gaming then it's nvidia for sure.

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