Battery Life

The OnePlus 2 had many problems, but something you could generally count on was that it provided good battery life. Unfortunately, the caveat was that the phone usually ran on four Cortex A53 cores so it performed only a bit better at CPU tasks than a $100 Moto E LTE, but that's another story. With the OnePlus 3 you no longer have to deal with exceptionally poor performance, and with the battery being made smaller at the same time as OnePlus moves from an LCD to an AMOLED display it's difficult to say what happens to battery life in the process. To evaluate the OnePlus 3's battery life under various scenarios I've run our 2016 WiFi web browsing battery test, PCMark's battery test, and GFXBench's Manhattan 3.1 battery test.

Web Browsing Battery Life 2016 (WiFi)

The OnePlus 3 regresses slightly from the OnePlus 2 in our web browsing battery test. However, it's also worth noting that the OnePlus 2 had crippled web performance by only enabling the SoC's A53 cores, and with the OnePlus 3 being over twice as fast with JavaScript performance it's worth the tiny hit to battery life. Looking at the broader market you can see that the OnePlus lasts slightly longer than the Nexus 6P, but trails the Galaxy Note5 by about the same amount.

In my own usage I haven't noticed any problems with web battery life on the OnePlus 3. OnePlus definitely could have put in a larger battery, but it would have made the phone thicker and heavier which would have a negative impact on its ergonomics and usability. The OnePlus 2 basically feels like a brick in the hand, and all you get for it is an extra 300mAh over the OnePlus 3. The OnePlus 3 much nicer to hold in the hand, and the idea that you should compromise that by making it 3mm thicker and 30g heavier just to boost the battery capacity by 10-15% is ridiculous.

For those who are interested, I measured 6.47 hours when running this test over LTE. I've decided not to compare this result directly to our past reviews because I'm still unable to achieve a strong enough signal over LTE to get results that are comparable to those run by Josh and Matt, but the drop in battery life when running over LTE was only about thirty minutes which is a great result for -97dBm on LTE.

PCMark - Work Battery Life

In PCMark's battery test the OnePlus 3 continues to do quite well. As I showed in the performance section, the OnePlus 3 improved over the OnePlus 2 a great deal in PCMark's tests, and yet it also lasts longer in a battery benchmark running those same tests. PCMark's battery test is a good indicator of what battery life you can expect when performing a variety of different tasks that stress different parts of the system, and the fact that the OnePlus 3 only loses to the larger Galaxy Note5 and Huawei Mate 8 speaks very well of its battery life.

GFXBench Manhattan 3.1 / Metal Battery Life

GFXBench Manhattan 3.1 / Metal Final Frame Rate

The OnePlus 3 does exceptionally well in our GFXBench Manhattan battery test. While it's by no means a leader in terms of absolute battery life, the performance it achieves is impressive to say the least. It's important to note that this is an on screen test, and so while the OnePlus 3 is a bit behind the iPhone 6s for sustained performance, it's also pushing a much higher resolution. The fact that the phone maintains its frame rate for over two hours is also an improvement over pretty much every other Android device, with the LG G5 coming close but exhibiting small oscillations that the OnePlus 3 doesn't have. Suffice to say, the OnePlus 3 provides a substantial improvement over the OnePlus 2 here, and I think anyone would agree that it's more fun to play a game at 30fps for two hours than to play it at 7fps for three.

In the end, the OnePlus 3 generally does as well or better than its predecessor in our battery life tests when you consider their context. In our 2016 web test battery life has dropped a bit, but it's not a significant decrease even though performance has improved immensely. PCMark battery life improves, and that's a test that reflects real world usage quite well. In GFXBench it doesn't last as long, but sustained performance is three times as high, and the frame rate the phone can maintain is high enough that a game with the visual fidelity of the Manhattan benchmark would actually be playable at 1080p on the OnePlus 3.

Charge Time

One of the biggest controversies regarding the OnePlus 2 was the lack of support for quick charging. OnePlus actually included a 10W charger so it wasn't as though you were limited to 5W speeds, but nonetheless you weren't able to take advantage of chargers that supported Qualcomm's Quick Charge protocol. The OnePlus 2 and the OnePlus 3 both use USB Type-C connectors, but there's no support for USB Power Delivery. With the OnePlus 3 there's now support for quick charging, but in an unconventional way.

The OnePlus 3 introduces a new standard for quick charging that was created by OnePlus, which they call Dash Charge. According to OnePlus, Dash Charge moves much of the power management processes to the charger itself rather than the phone, which reduces the heat generated by a device as it charges. There isn't much technical information about what exactly is going on, but a reasonable guess is that the DC/DC voltage conversion is now going on at the charger instead of the device, which means the phone only has to handle the current limiting. Dash Charge also operates at 5 volts, and the included charger is a 5V 4A block for 20W of output power. It's worth noting that the USB Power Delivery implementations that we've seen operating at 15W also use 5 volts, so this isn't necessarily something unique to Dash Charge.

Of course, there is a caveat with OnePlus making their own protocol is that you're limited to their charging blocks.  On top of that, you're limited to using OnePlus's cords, with the charger not providing quick charging using other USB Type-C cables such as the Google-branded ones that I have. This is a significant drawback compared to Qualcomm Quick Charge and USB Power Delivery, although I would imagine most users will use the included charger and cable so it may not pose much of a problem in practice.

Charge Time

As a OnePlus-specific charging implementation, Dash Charge may not be as convenient as USB Power Delivery or Qualcomm Quick Charge, but it certainly charges the phone quickly. At 1.44 hours to go from 0 to 100% there's not really anything to complain about with the actual time to charge. 

While Dash Charge is interesting in how it charges quickly and actually does manage to keep the phone cool while doing so, I'm not really sure if it's worth the trade-offs. If you lose your OnePlus cable you have to buy a new one from OnePlus, and you can't quick charge with the large number of Qualcomm Quick Charge accessories available on the market. If nothing else, Quick Charging is here on a OnePlus device, but it has more restrictions than one might have hoped, and it's not clear if the benefits are worth it.

Camera Architecture and Performance Final Words
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  • Buk Lau - Wednesday, June 22, 2016 - link

    You are missing one important factor, Samsung gave out an sRGB option out of the box in their settings. They didn't tell you, and they don't necessarily have to tell you just like how they don't have to tell you that you can uninstall/disable 80% of the junk that came with TouchWiz. However, it is an option that came by default, while I agree it is bs for not actively notifying the user of it, you can still turn it on. More importantly, if you are reading AT's review, then you know what they are using right? So if you read their review and learned that they claim the display is good, you should have already known what settings they are using to get those metrics. So no, AT doesn't have to test the default option if AT tells you that they are using sRGB mode. You as the reader should have known after reading the review, just like when you look at any data you have to first understand how the test is setup. If they don't tell you that, then that's their problem. 1+ straight up had no other options, and the problem itself may not be even fixable with a software update, that's the difference
  • Kepe - Monday, June 20, 2016 - link

    The difference between other reviews and this one is that the others just look at some pictures on the screen and then write that the colors are very vivid and bright and they "pop". Anandtech measures the picture quality using proper tools instead of just looking at the screen with the naked eye and then saying something vague and subjective. And I'm glad they do, because I don't want a phone that skews colors on the screen. I do more image editing on my phone than on my computer. If the screen is inaccurate, the pictures will look very wrong to others when they look at them on their phones.
  • zodiacfml - Tuesday, June 21, 2016 - link

    Right. I have a Nexus 5 and the grays just pop out because of quality.
    Now though, I'm itching for Samsung's displays as it will give the best contrast and best late night viewing.
  • ssiu - Monday, June 20, 2016 - link

    Nobody here interested in Daydream VR? I may not want to shell out hundreds for "is it just a gimmick" VR but I want my next phone upgrade to be Daydream VR compatible, I'll pay ~$100 incremental cost for a VR headset.

    I believe ZTE Axon 7 is a "flagship spec at midrange price" phone that is Daydream compatible and "coming soon".
  • tipoo - Monday, June 20, 2016 - link

    I wonder if Daydream solves positional drift though. Since smartphones have no fixed reference points for VR, they were just approximating movement with the accelerometer and gyro, leading it to "drift" from your heads actual position. I hoped Daydream would solve that, but it seems the headset adds no extra sensors and is still a fancier "dumb" headset like Cardboard.
  • dezonio2 - Monday, June 20, 2016 - link

    I don't really care about Daydream, but ZTE Axon 7 seems to address all the shortcomings of the One+ 3.

    5.5" 1440p AMOLED (hopefully more accurate) and SD card slot seem like benefits worth paying the extra $50 for. And personally I'd rather see the review for the Axon 7 than the HTC 10 or the part 2 for the S7. Or even the GTX 1080. (runs away from the angry mob)
  • Eden-K121D - Monday, June 20, 2016 - link

    Galaxy S7 review not out yet sometimes Anandtech is too lethargic
  • coder111 - Monday, June 20, 2016 - link

    Just for a record- OnePlus has TERRIBLE CUSTOMER SUPPORT.

    DO NOT BUY if you want to receive decent warranty service.

    I have a broken OnePlus2 which I have sent to service center twice. First time they sent it back without any repairs. Second time it took 10 days just to get the shipping label to send it to a different repair center. It has been there for 2 weeks now without any notice of what's going on or if I'll get my phone back in working order or when.

    In between all this it takes a long time to get response from the customer support team. They often copy-paste canned responses without even reading what I have said in my ticket. There is now way to call someone and talk in person or at least have an on-line chat- everything is a ticket system where getting a response takes a day or several.

    In short, my phone has been broken for 2 months, OnePlus is still to repair it or to send a replacement. I want my money back for experience like this.
  • fanofanand - Monday, June 20, 2016 - link

    This post reflects reasons #1, 2 and 3 why I will not consider a OnePlus device. The cost savings aren't worth it when the customer service is similar to what you would experience with an eBay purchase. This isn't an isolated experience, forums are filled with angry customers who have non-functioning phones and OnePlus ignores the situation.
  • zodiacfml - Monday, June 20, 2016 - link

    Not interested. Waste of $400. I Can't wait for the Nexus.

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